The current trend isn't to add an RS gold additional degree to an existing skill, like the living rocks caverns used to mine (for example) instead, it is to include something with varying levels of skill for varying xp like fish flingers. This can have a variety of advantages: You aren't able to grind it, thereby decreasing the effect of bots. It is possible to earn more xp if you are able to time the training. A sense of obligation occurs to complete as many of these things as possible in order to maximise xp gain.
This can either help or hurt the game. For me, most of the tasks are too difficult, particularly when I am compelled to finish them in order to gain as much xp as possible. It means that training skills can be a bit sloppy and frustrating since I can't just settle down to a single program if I'm looking for an effective rate of xp. However, it is OSRS buy gold a rewarding experience if you want to. Are you a fan of DnDs or do you find them irritating and tedious?