We are providing some quick steps that you must follow for Linksys app setup.
For linksys smart wifi app setup using smart wi-fi app, visit the Play Store or App Store on your smart phone.
On to the search bar, type Linksys smart Wi-Fi.
When the app appears, tap on ‘Get’ on iOS device and ‘Install’ on Android device to install the app.
Launch the app and create my Linksys smart wi-fi app account. The Linksys app account controls and stores all the customized settings. You can sign in anytime and manage the Linksys network.
1. Firstly, you need to connect your smartphone to your router’s Wi-Fi. Use the default credentials to join the network.
2.Time to launch the Linksys app. Open it and select the Launch Setup.
This app will ask you to turn ON Bluetooth®, but you need to select “I would rather set up without Bluetooth”.
3.The Terms and Conditions will pop up, tap Agree.
Coming further, select Standard Wi-Fi Router.
4.If you have followed all the above steps, you will have to search your router now. Tap Find My Router before you begin.
5.Tap Continue to move forward.
J WIck